Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Figured it Out...

Well...here I am now too.

Not much new. What a beautiful day it was today! I love the fall. Crisp air and so pretty.

Visiting with Grandma and Grandpa in Tabby was fun. I worry that Grandma is lonely. We should all make efforts to call her often.


Today, i bought $164.14 worth of groceries for only $68.86. Very cool.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sister Margaret

I received the following email from a wonderful lady by the name of Margaret the other day. Margaret is the woman that is building the orphanage in Uganda. My memory of her and of the times spent at the orphanage are very dear to me.

Dear sister Zalwago

Hope you are fine and lovely thanks for the work you
did at the orphanage home we love and we hope next you
are coming back we love top work with you in the
project How is the family and friedns we love the so
much and we hope to see them the Lord takes care of
you and everyone the work in progress we now dont
fetch water we have the tank the rain has been so
heavy we have water in the tank.thanks to God for that


I think she has a beautiful face.

And she made some of the best food we had there.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

sooooooo nice

Got back from our trip to St. Pete Beach. It was so nice and relaxing. We were able to go to the temple on our way home, really glad we did. Wendy didn't seem too frazzled when we got back, although she did say six kids wasn't on her list of things to do in this life.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Vacation in less than 24

I'm going out of town for a few days in less than 24 hours. Feeling pretty excited. Grateful Wendy can come watch the kids, so we can go.

Friday, September 7, 2007

jake & popsicles

i am thankful that i didn't yell at jake at the end of a conversation that went like this: I say, "Jake why did you eat two popsicles?" Jake says, "well... you told me i could have one!" i say, " ok, but you ate two, so you don't get one tomorrow." Not three minutes go by when Jake says, "mom...." i say "what" Jake says, "well never mind,.... I was gonna ask if i could have a popsicle, but you'll probably say no." i say, " " (just imagine look on my face nothing had to be said. (Yes for all of you wondering, there is a popsicle shortage in our budget, as we have supplied posicles to not only our 4 boys but the entire neighborhood all summer as well.)
That man is SO HANDSOME!!! What a smile. You can't look at that smile and not feel blessed that he is part of your life. Great idea Theresa.

I am glad that I can go out in my yard and pick a peach to eat for breakfast and a tomato and cucumber to eat for lunch and an eggplant to eat for supper. MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm.

I meant to post this yesterday and apparently messed up and it became a comment. That means I get an extra one today.